Does this Sound Like You?
Are you someone who would not call yourself a creative type or an artist, but other people do?
Did you enjoy making art as a child, but then stopped at some point?
Do you think outside of the box more than others?
Did you once feel a creative spark that has since disappeared?
Do you ignore the inclination to do something creative?
If any of these sounds familiar, you might be a Dormant Creative.
Take the Dormant Creative Quiz to find out now.
This quiz has been created using empirical and anecdotal research over the past 20 years, as well as findings from research papers and publications on the matter.
Hi! I’m Montine
I am sharing this quiz because I myself was a Dormant Creative until I was 29 years old. Waking up to my fully authentic, creative self was the best thing that could have happened to me. I found a place where all of me fit right in, and was welcome. By creating spontaneously from intuition, my path and purpose became clear and my confidence soared. I found a like-hearted community and began connecting to my higher wisdom.
It is my hope that if you are a Dormant Creative, you will discover the myriad of treasures lying within your imagination, waiting to be awakened.
All you need to do is be brave, listen to your inner muse, and begin coloring outside of the lines.
Creatively Yours,
Montine Blank
Founder of The More You & Intuition Painting®
What is a Dormant Creative?
Being a Dormant Creative means you do not allow your creative side to be adequately activated or expressed. This can happen for several reasons, such as:
You were not exposed to an environment where creativity was encouraged
You are unaware that you are creatively oriented
You doubt your creative abilities
You do not recognize your need to express creatively
You dismiss the impulses to create art
You don’t make time for creative expression
You don’t know how to get started
What are the impacts of being a Dormant Creative?
Living as a Dormant Creative can feel a bit like a fish out of water, without knowing exactly why you feel that way. It may seem that something is missing, but you cannot put your finger on exactly what that “something” is. You feel more at home around people who are divergent thinkers, creative types, or artists.
As a Dormant Creative, you may be missing out on the passion and personal enrichment that is derived from connecting with your inner muse and expressing yourself creatively. You may feel disconnected from your emotional landscape, your dreamstate, your playfulness, your higher wisdom, and your imagination.
How Do I Know if I am a Dormant Creative?
Some of you may immediately suspect that you are a Dormant Creative because you have been an expressed creative in the past, and you realize that part is now absent or inactive.
Others of you may not consider yourself a creative type - you might even balk at the thought - but friends or colleagues have suggested otherwise, and you feel curious.
The Dormant Creative Self-Quiz score will help you understand if you are a creative type or artist, and to what degree. Along with the results, you will also learn ways to activate this powerful, advantageous part of your nature.
Waking Up Dormant Creatives
The good news is that Dormant Creatives can wake up by engaging in the world of intuitive creativity, curiosity, exploration, and imagination, which can lead to a lifelong opportunities for greater creative connection, emotional wellbeing, personal discovery, and sense of aliveness.
The contents of this website and the self-tests it contains
do not diagnose nor exclude the diagnosis of any condition.